Well now, that's the question?
I think some people believe we can just call spirit up like using a telephone, but in reality it is much harder than that.
I have to connect by raising my vibration from the Earth Plane to the Spirit Realms or sometimes higher. Not easy to explain nor is it easy to do. Basically I have to reach those in the Spirit World by allowing my soul energy to lift up to halfway where they are whilst they send theirs down to me. It’s a two way thing.
I have to trust them implicitly because they know more about the person I am reading for than me........makes sense.
Some people, clients, who say they are 'open' to Mediumship actually aren't, they can block the information by saying things like, 'well doesn't everybody?' or 'we all do that' and it can be infuriating for us Mediums, although I will move on from that. Yes, it can relate to others but the reading you are being given is specifically about you! It doesn't matter if that can relate to everyone, what matters is that it relates to you and what you have been doing in your life at that time, no one else.
If you continue to be vague with the Medium then the reading becomes vague and you don't receive the information you are truly wanting or needing to hear.
We need to have a good connection with you, the client, in order for your loved ones is spirit to connect with us. Without that, it won't work well and you will be disappointed. Obviously if something really doesn't resonate then please do say 'no' but some things will relate to future if not past or present, so be prepared to keep it in mind.
Spirit like to 'hear' your voice. It's important for them to get that connection between you and the Medium or it doesn't happen. We can only work with what we have and that is our connection.
So, if you are wondering if it is easy being a Medium, I'd say the answer is....... not really. We have to use a lot of energy to connect with your loved ones as well as them using a lot to connect with us. I have had clients who say, 'oh I wanted (this person) to come through' and it isn't always easy to bring them through unless they want to talk to you. I try my best to give you my best and so do spirit.
So, please bear with us as we try to listen, sense, see and (sometimes) smell our way through your reading to give you the very best we can give and get the messages across that Spirit feel you need to hear.
Signing off for now. Luv n hugs, Julie C